cpan Plack 1.0040

latest releases: 1.0051, 1.0050, 1.0049...
pre-release8 years ago

- Fixes a mistake in the value of %D and %T in Accesslog::Timed middleware.
  This is due to a bug in Apache::LogFormat::Compiler that sets a wrong value
  for these fields. This bug has been fixed and now it emits what the documentation
  has always said, in the same way as how Apache's log format works.

  However, this is a BREAKING CHANGE if you are using '%D' or '%T' in your log
  formats, and you'll likely need to swap them if you need the same values as
  previously. Read for more details.
  (astj) #549, #551


- Remove the use of HTTP::Body in favor of HTTP::Entity::Parser (kazeburo) #538
- Increase the buffer size to 1MB for requests already buffered by the PSGI server
- Allow passing an already-open listen socket to HTTP::Server::PSGI (ilmari) #550


- Lint middleware now allows blessed code refs as a PSGI app (smcmurray) #542
- Fix log4perl tests to pass when running in parallel (rsimoes) #545

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