cpan Plack 1.0025

latest releases: 1.0051, 1.0050, 1.0049...
pre-release10 years ago

- No XS! Eliminates dependency to LWP::UserAgent by making it completely optional for
  testing. If you run Plack::Test with Server implemenetation or run Plack::Test::Suite
  (for PSGI handlers) without LWP installed, the tests will automatically be skipped.
  This removes the eventual sub-dependency to HTML::Parser, which is the only XS dependency
  in Plack. #408


- Fixed the warning in OO usage of Plack::Builder (doy) #407
- Shotgun loader now dies if used in Win32 since it leaks memory #320, #400
- Suppress warnings for Test::TCP (kazeburo) #406
- $res->to_app shortcut (ether) #409

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