cpan Plack 0.9956

latest releases: 1.0051, 1.0050, 1.0049...
13 years ago
  • FastCGI: Fixed an empty PATH_INFO with mod_fastcgi (and possibly others)
  • FastCGI: Improved the automatic detection of the case when invoked from web server. #141
    (reported by LeoNerd)
  • plackup: Document that -e 'enable ...' doesn't assume app.psgi when there's no argument. #106 (clkao)
  • Plack::App::FCGIDispatcher: Remove the Status: header #123 (reported by Htbaa)
  • Apache2: Work around issues where SCRIPT_NAME gets wrong when LocationMatch is used. #136
    (reported by atiking)

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