cpan Perl-Critic 1.108

latest releases: 1.152, 1.150, 1.148...
13 years ago


  • This is the "Give Shawn Moore what we promised him a year ago and hurry
    up and get this out before Brad Oaks gives his YAPC::NA talk" release.

[New Policies]

  • Documentation::RequirePodLinksIncludeText
  • Subroutines::ProhibitUnusedPrivateSubroutines

[New Features]

  • There is a new global configuration item, 'program-extensions', which
    configures Perl::Critic's idea of which file name extensions represent
    programs. The desired extensions are specified as a space-separated list,
    with leading '.' on each if that is desired. Files whose names end in
    '.PL' will always be considered programs. This can be overridden by
    command option --programs-extensions, which can be specified multiple
  • There is now a perlcritic --allow-unsafe switch. Without this switch,
    Perl::Critic will silently refuse to load any Policy that is marked
    unsafe. Unsafe Policies are usually ones that may compile or execute
    untrusted code (see Perl::Critic::DynamicPolicy for an example); Policy
    authors can mark their policies as unsafe by overriding the is_safe()
  • The framework that we use to test Perl::Critic Policies has been
    packaged into a convenient module that you can use to test your own
    Policies. See Test::Perl::Critic::Policy and Perl::Critic::TestUtils
    for details.

[Policy Changes]

  • BuiltInFunctions::ProhibitLvalueSubstr no longer complains when there
    is a low-precedence operator between the substr() and the assignment
  • CodeLayout::ProhibitParensWithBuiltins now allows 'state ($foo)'. RT
  • ErrorHandling::RequireCarping now has an
    allow_in_main_if_not_in_subroutine option to allow "die" directly in
    the default namespace.
  • InputOutput::RequireBriefOpen now recognizes CORE::open(),
    CORE::close(), CORE::GLOBAL::open(), and CORE::GLOBAL::close(). RT
  • Modules::ProhibitEvilModules now complains by default about the modules
    deprecated by the Perl 5 Porters in 5.12.
  • Modules::RequireVersionVar documentation updated to make clear that "my
    $VERSION" does not work as a module version declaration. RT #56667
  • The RegularExpressions::* policies have been converted from using
    Regexp::Parser to using PPIx::Regexp for their heavy lifting.
  • RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest now allows capture
    variables inside when() {}. RT #36081.
  • RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture now checks for unused named
  • Subroutines::ProhibitManyArgs revised to count only characters in the
    prototype that represent arguments. RT #56627
  • Subroutines::ProhibitNestedSubs no longer complains about scheduled
    blocks (BEGIN, etc.) inside subroutines and vice versa.
  • Subroutines::RequireFinalReturn should now understand a final given/when
    statement, and declare an error if there is no 'default' block or if any
    branch does not return.
  • TestingAndDebugging::RequireUseStrict now accepts 'use 5.011' or greater
    as equivalent to 'use strict'.
  • ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitMismatchedOperators false positive with
    "'foo' x 15 . 'bar'". RT #54524
  • Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars gave false positives on qr// regexp's
    ending in '$'. RT #55604

[Bug Fixes]

  • The "## no critic" annotations now respect #line directives.
  • Annotations on statements spanning more than one line (e.g.
    my $foo =
    '$bar'; ## no critic (RequireInterpolationOfMetachars)
    ) are now handled as single-line annotations, not block annotations.
  • All instances of L in the POD have been changed to L.
    L and L were allowed to stand. RT #37485
  • Spaces are now allowed immediately inside the enclosing parentheses in
    "## no critic ( Foo )". RT #52038
  • With the introduction of PPIx::Regexp, Perl::Critic no longer dies
    when it encounters a Perl 5.010 regexp. RT #49442.
  • DEVELOPER.pod typo in link to
    ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitConstantPragma policy. RT #57818
  • Spelling errors in documentation. RT #57375
  • "die" used instead of "croak". RT #56619
  • Fixed regex test that caused test failures on every Perl 5.11
    (credit Tom Wyant).
  • t/20_policy_pod_spelling.t now works (or at least no longer fails)
    in non-English locales (again). RT #43291 and RT #48986.
  • Perldoc has broken link for McCabe score definition. RT #53219
  • RT #33935 and #49679 were fixed by upgrading to PPI 1.208

[Other Changes]

  • Perl::Critic::Utils::is_unchecked_call() updated to include chmod in the
    set of things covered by autodie (this happened in autodie v2.08). The
    primary effect of this is on InputOutput::RequireCheckedSyscalls.
  • Now depends upon Task::Weaken to ensure that we only install with perls
    where Scalar::Util::weaken() works.
  • Email::Address was optional, but is now required. So everyone
    gets the optimal behavior from RequireInterpolationOfMetachars.
  • Some infrastructure has been extracted to the new PPIx-Utilities
    distro. It is also a required dependency here. Over time a good
    portion of Perl::Critic::Utils* will be migrated to this distribution.
  • Perl::Critic::Utils::PPI::get_constant_name_element_from_declaring_statement()
    is deprecated because it doesn't handle multiple constants being
    declared within a single "use constant" statement. Use
  • Removed all uses of Perl::Critic::Utils::PPIRegep. Since the
    PPIx::Regexp update, Perl::Critic only used get_match_string() and
    friends, which were superseded by the corresponding PPI methods.
    Perl::Critic now depends on PPI-1.208 or newer.
  • Moved Perl::Critic::Utils::PPIRegexp to the Perl-Critic-Deprecated.
  • The PolicySummary.pod file is now generated when the distribution
    is created, rather than when you install it. This ensures the file
    will be available on Thanks to Bear Longyear
    for bringing this to our attention.

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