cpan Perl-Critic 1.104

latest releases: 1.152, 1.150, 1.148...
14 years ago


  • This release is dedicated to Tom Wyant in appreciation of the amount of
    effort he put into the enhancements and bug fixes in this release, for
    having the patience to wait for the amount of time that it took to get
    them out, and for overall awesomeness. Thank you, Tom.

[New Policies]

  • Objects::ProhibitIndirectSyntax
  • ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitComplexVersion
  • ValuesAndExpressions::RequireConstantVersion

[New Optional Requirement]

  • Email::Address, if you want
    ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitInterpolationOfLiterals to properly ignore
    email addresses.

[New Features]

  • Perlcritic will list the names of files with violations if given the
    --files-with-violations option, or the names of files without
    violations if given the --files-without-violations options. These
    have synonyms -l and -L respectively.
  • Perlcritic has a new --list-enabled option, which lists the Policies
    that will be enforced, given the current configuration. This is
    useful if you've written a complex command-line or modified your
    .perlcriticrc file and you want to see which Policies would
    be used with the current configuration, if you were actually going
    to critique a file with it.
  • Perl::Critic::Violation now takes #line directives into account in the
    %F, %f, and %l formats. You can get the old values via the new %G, %g,
    and %L formats.

[Policy Changes]

  • CodeLayout::ProhibitParensWithBuiltins was complaining in certain cases
    where parentheses are required due to operator precedence. RT #46862.
  • ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions no longer complains
    about uses of tr/// that don't modify the operand. Reported by EDAVIS,
    RT #44515.
  • Miscellanea::RequireRcsKeywords now accepts "qw$Keyword: ...$". RT
  • Modules::RequireFilenameMatchesPackage now respects logical filenames
    defined by the "#line" directives. This allows the Policy to work
    properly with IDEs and code generators.
  • NamingConventions::Capitalization now allows fully qualified subroutine
    declarations ( e.g. "sub Foo::Bar::baz {...}" ). However, the
    non-package part of the subroutine name must still conform to whatever
    capitalization rule you have chosen.
  • RegularExpressions::ProhibitCaptureWithoutTest no longer complains if
    the regex is followed by an "or die" or similar. Reported by EDAVIS,
    RT #36081.
  • RegularExpressions::ProhibitComplexRegexes no longer counts variable
    substitutions in the length. Reported by EDAVIS, RT #36098.
  • RegularExpressions::ProhibitUnusedCapture now considers the body of
    while loops and not just their condition. Reported by EDAVIS, RT
  • ValuesAndExpressions::ProhibitVersionStrings was getting confused by
    comments. Reported by Kevin Ryde, RT #44986.
  • ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars now allows sigils
    in the arguments to "use vars". Contributed by Kevin Ryde, RT #47318.
  • ValuesAndExpressions::RequireInterpolationOfMetachars now properly
    ignores email addresses, if you have Email::Address installed. Inspired
    by the Kevin Ryde contribution in RT #47318.
  • Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars gained the ability to look inside
    interpolated strings. Doing this correctly is challenging and things
    may not work out right; how the policy does this can be controlled via
    the new "string_mode" option. Contributed by Edgar Whipple
  • Variables::ProhibitPunctuationVars now ignores $] by default since there
    is no equivalent.

[Other Bug Fixes]

  • Perl::Critic::Utils::parse_arg_list() was slurping up the "or die ..."
    portion of "open my $foo, 'somefile' or die ...", causing
    InputOutput::ProhibitTwoArgOpen to not complain about this example.
    Reported by Alexandr Ciornii, RT #44554.

[Minor Changes]

  • The line count emitted by the --statistics option is further broken down
    by line content.

[Minor Documentation Fixes]

[Build Fixes]

  • There wasn't a specific version given for the List::MoreUtils dependency
    and we're using features that weren't available until 0.19. So, we now
    require version 0.19. Noticed by John J. Trammell, RT #48917.
  • Some tests were tied to the specific "true" and "false" values that some
    functions were returning. Reported by Michael Schwern, RT #43910.

[Other News]

  • Komodo version 5.1.1 now has built-in support for Perl-Critic,
    if you have the Perl::Critic and criticism modules installed.
    Both should be available through the ActiveState Perl Package
    Manager ppm(1).

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