[New Policies]
- TestingAndDebugging::ProhibitProlongedStrictureOverride
- ControlStructures::ProhibitMutatingListFunctions
[New Features]
- Say "perlcritic -List" to get an expanded listing of all Policies.
The format is suitable for use as your .perlcriticrc file.
- Say "perlcritic -doc PATTERN" to get the documentation for all
Policies that match m/PATTERN/imx. This is a little easier than
typing in the full name of the Policy module with "perldoc".
- Say "perlcritic --singlepolicy PATTERN" to use one and only one
- Can now specify exceptions to Variables::ProhibitPackageVars,
for packages like File::Find that only interface through
package variables.
[Bug Fixes]
- 21713 false positive for parens used with substr and unpack.
- 22890 allow Rcs keywords in POD.
- Testing system overhauled. Details on the Policy/subtest
framework is in t/run.t.
- Added Perl::Critic::Utils::words_from_string. This is safer
than plain old C.