[Bug Fixes]
- 14855: Home discovery is dangerously naive.
- 20060: Incorrect page numbers in ProhibitLeadingZeros
and RequireNumberSeparator policies.
- 20068: .perlrc file - inconsistent documentation
- 20254: "use vars qw(@EXPORT_OK)" not recognized
- 20463: No-case heredoc terminator incorrectly detected as lower case.
- ProhibitOneArgBless doesn't understand "bless {} => $class;"
- ProhibitExcessComplexity doesn't count 'while' and 'until' stmnts
- ProhibitLeadingZeros was falsely hits '.0456'
- If File::HomeDir is available, we use it to locate the
.perlcriticrc file. This should help make Perl::Critic
more portable to Win32 platforms. If File::HomeDir is
not installed, we resort to looking at the usual
environment variables.
[Other Stuff]
- Added "perlcritic.el", which is a super-cool emacs minor-mode
that runs perl-critic on the current buffer and returns the
results in a sexy hot-linked "compiler" window. You can run
it on demand, or have it run automatically every time you
save the buffer. You can find this in the extras/ directory.
Thanks to Josh ben Jore for contributing this.
- Moved "Perl::Critic::TestUtils" into the installed build. This
module is only used for unit-testing Perl::Critic, but we
are putting it in the installation so folks who want to
extend Perl::Critic can make use of it.