cpan Path-Class 0.09

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
19 years ago
  • Added the dir_list() method, which gives the user direct access to
    the list of directories that makes up a Path::Class::Dir object
    (NEEDS DOCUMENTATION). [Suggested by Smylers]

  • Documented the behavior of $dir->next() when the directory doesn't
    exist or is unreadable (it dies). [Smylers]

  • Fixed a bug that could result in extra backslashes between the
    volume and path (such as C:\Foo\Bar). [Smylers]

  • Added the is_dir() method, which is a simple way to tell the
    difference between a file and a directory. [Suggested by Smylers]

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