- Various bug fixes
- Minor structural cleanup
- Removed every single use of UNIVERSAL::isa
- PPI::Normal was quite broken, cleaned it up
- Fixed PPI::Normal::Standard::remove_statement_seperator
- Fixed CPAN #16674 PPI::Token::Quote::Double->interpolations
- Fixed CPAN #15131 PPI::Node->find() behavior not completely
documented (Jeffrey Thalhammer)
- Fixed CPAN 13743 PPI::Statement::Scheduled api (johanl)
- PPI::Statement::Scheduled is now a subclass of PPI::Statement::Sub
- Removed breaking circular include in PPI::Util
- Removed an 'our' variable in t/04_element.t that created a 5.6.0 dependency
- Only do the PPI::Cache tests that use Test::SubCalls if >= 5.006
- (Except for File::Remove, we should ACTUALLY depend on 5.005 now)
- Fixed CPAN #16671 $_ is not localized (JPIERCE)
(I missed an unlocaled $_ hiding in the Node object destructor)