cpan PDF-API2 2.034

latest releases: 2.047, 2.046, 2.045...
4 years ago
  • SUPPORTED PERL VERSIONS: Starting with this release, PDF::API2 will
    support major Perl versions released in the past six years, plus the major
    release before that one. This should provide backward compatibility for
    the life of most LTS server distributions, while eliminating the need to
    troubleshoot warnings and bugs that only show up in increasingly-ancient
    versions of Perl.

For this release, it means that the minimum supported Perl is 5.18, which
was first released on 2013-05-18.

  • Add support for cross-reference streams using 64-bit field widths.

  • When the utf8 flag is set for a PDF string, automatically encode it as
    UCS-16BE instead of requiring a separate flag to be set in the PDF object.
    This resolves [RT #33497] and [RT #117031] in addition to making the code
    easier to maintain.

  • [RT #126274] Fix alignment when using UniFont with text_center or
    text_right when all characters are in the same block.

  • [RT #121911] Fix adding pages to a document structure with nested Pages
    elements. This included a fairly substantial rewrite of the relevant
    code, so please report any new bugs related to adding pages (report and
    troubleshooting by Vadim Repin).

  • Renamed pdfile() to pdf_file() in PDF::API2::Annotation and
    PDF::API2::Outline. The old name continues to work, but is deprecated.

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