cpan Net-SSLeay 1.81

latest releases: 1.94, 1.93_05, 1.93_04...
7 years ago

Patch from Alexander Bluhm to enable RSA_get_key_parameters with
LibreSSL. Again.
Fixed memory leak in X509_get_subjectAltNames. Reported and patched by Jim Westfall.
Added . to lib path in Makefile.PL and t/local/32_x509_get_cert_info.t
to accommodate people who are using a perl with -Ddefault_inc_excludes_dot
or perl 25 or later.
Fixed build failure if engine support not present. Patch from Paul Green.
Improvements to get_my_thread_id to work around possibility of ERRSV not being defined eg on OpenWRT.
Patch from ETJ permitting configure and build in places with a space in the name.

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