cpan Net-SSLeay 1.67

latest releases: 1.94, 1.93_05, 1.93_04...
9 years ago

Improvements to inc/Module/Install/PRIVATE/Net/ to handle the
case whe there are muliple OPENSSLs installed. Patch from HBRAND
Fixed a documentation error in get_peer_cert_chain, reported by tejas.
Fixed a problem with building on Windows that prevented correct OpenSSL
directory detection with version 1.0.1j as delivered with Shining Light OpenSSL.
Fixed a problem with building on Windows that prevented finding MT or MD
versions of SSL libraries.
Updated doc in README.Win32 to build with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express.
Added Windows crypt32 library to Windows linking as some compilers/platforms seem to
require it and it is innocuous otherwise. For Steve Hay.
Fixed a failure in t/external/20_cert_chain.t where some platforms do not
have HTTPS in /etc/services. Reported and patched by Gisle Aas.
Recent 1.0.2 betas have dropped the SSLv3_method function.
This patch leaves out the function on newer versions, much the same as
the SSLv2 deprecation is handled. Patch from Tom Molesworth.
Fix the ALPN test, which was incorrectly failing on OpenSSL due to the
LibreSSL check (earlier versions bailed out before that line).Patch from
Tom Molesworth.

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