cpan Net-SSLeay 1.53

latest releases: 1.94, 1.93_05, 1.93_04...
10 years ago

Added support for SSL_export_keying_material where present (ie in OpenSSL
1.0.1 and later).
Changed t/handle/external/50_external.t to use instead of, who no longer have an https server.
Patch to fix a crash: P_X509_get_crl_distribution_points on an
X509 certificate with values in the CDP extension which do not have an
ia5 string will cause a segmentation fault when accessed. Patch from
Robert Duncan.
Change in t/local/32_x509_get_cert_info.t to not use
Net::SSLeay::ASN1_INTEGER_get, since it works differntly on 32 and 64 bit platforms.
Updated author and distribution location details to

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