cpan Moose 1.9905

latest releases: 2.2207, 2.2206, 2.2205...
pre-release13 years ago


  • The Moose::Meta::Role::Attribute class now has an original_role method
    which returns the role which first defined an attribute. See the docs for
    details. (Dave Rolsky)

  • Moose::Util::MetaRole will make sure that the class to which you're
    applying metaroles or base class roles can actually have them applied. If
    not (it's not a Moose class, it has a non-Moose metaclass, etc.), then it
    gives a useful error message. Previously, this would just end up dying in
    the MetaRole code without a useful message. (Dave Rolsky)


  • When a role had its own applied_attribute metaclass (usually from MetaRole
    application), that metaclass would get lost when that role participated in
    role composition. It was also lost if that role was consumed by some other
    role. Both of these cases have been fixed. Attributes are always applied
    with the applied_attribute metaclass of the role which originally defined
    them. (Dave Rolsky)

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