- A new bit of doc intended to introduce folks familiar with
"standard" Perl 5 OO to Moose concepts. (Dave Rolsky)
- A new bit of doc intended to introduce folks familiar with
- Shows examples of two classes, each done first with and then
without Moose. This makes a nice parallel to
Moose::Intro. (Dave Rolsky)
- Shows examples of two classes, each done first with and then
- Fixed a bug in find_or_parse_type_constraint so that it
accepts a Moose::Meta::TypeConstraint object as the parent
type, not just a name (jnapiorkowski)
- added tests (jnapiorkowski)
- Fixed a bug in find_or_parse_type_constraint so that it
- If Sub::Name was not present, unimporting failed to actually
remove some sugar subs, causing test failures (Dave Rolsky)
- If Sub::Name was not present, unimporting failed to actually