- Code name "Rainbow", this is a major release.
- Removed Mojolicious::Plugin::I18N so it can be maintained as a separate distribution.
- Removed app_class attribute from Mojo::Server.
- Removed qp_decode and qp_encode methods from Mojo::ByteStream.
- Removed qp_decode and qp_encode functions from Mojo::Util.
- Removed render_to_file and render_file_to_file methods from Mojo::Template.
- Renamed Mojo::CookieJar to Mojo::UserAgent::CookieJar.
- Renamed Mojo::Command to Mojolicious::Command.
- Renamed format, reqs, symbol_start and symbols attributes in Mojolicious::Routes::Pattern to format_regex,
constraints, placeholder_start and placeholders.
- Merged get_all_data and get_data methods from Mojo::Command into data method in Mojo::Loader.
- Moved class_to_file and class_to_path methods from Mojo::Command to Mojo::Util.
- Updated IO::Socket::SSL requirement to 1.75 for IO::Socket::IP support.
- Switched back from IO::Socket::INET6 to IO::Socket::IP for IPv6 support.
- Switched from HMAC-MD5 to HMAC-SHA1 for signed cookies.
- Added slurp function to Mojo::Util.
- Added slurp method to Mojo::ByteStream.
- Added j and r functions to ojo. (sharifulin, kraih)
- Added accept_interval attribute to Mojo::IOLoop.
- Added support for new HTTP status code.
- Modernized ".perltidyrc".
- Improved Mojo::IOLoop::Server to prioritize RC4 cipher, which mitigates the BEAST attack. (Danny Thomas)
- Improved not found page to highlight custom route names.
- Improved to method in Mojolicious::Routes::Route to give easier access to default parameters.
- Improved message parser performance slightly.
- Fixed bug that prevented sessions from working in embedded applications.
- Fixed JSON Pointer escaping.
- Fixed small JSON Pointer bug in get command. (avkhozov)
- Fixed small application initialization bug in Mojo::Server.