cpan Module-Build 0.36_08

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
pre-release14 years ago


  • Give a list of valid licenses when given one we don't recognize
    (RT#55951) [Yanick Champoux]

  • Added 'Build manifest_skip' action to generate a default MANIFEST.SKIP
    [David Golden]


  • When temporarily generating a MANIFEST.SKIP when none exists, it will
    be removed on exit instead of hanging around until 'Build clean'. This
    is less surprising/confusing and the 'Build manifest_skip' action
    is now available instead to bootstrap the file [David Golden]

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed runtime error on cygwin when searching for an executable command
    during installdeps testing [David Golden]

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