Added 'needs_compiler' property. Defaults to true if XS or c_source
exist. If true, ExtUtils::CBuilder is also added to build_requires.
[David Golden]File::ShareDir automatically added to 'requires' if 'share_dir' is set
[David Golden]Added 'Build installdeps' action to install needed dependencies via
a user-configurable command line program. (Defaults to 'cpan'.)
[Eric Wilhelm]
Bug fixes:
Failure to detect a compiler will now warn during Build.PL and be a
fatal error when trying to compile during Build. (RT#48918) [David
Golden]Fixed directory sorting failure in share_dir.t [David Golden]
Property defaults that are data structures were being assigned as
references to new objects. Changed so that defaults are cloned instead.
(This mostly affects testing, which often creates multiple objects in the
same process) [David Golden]Simplified error message on exit under use_tap_harness [suggested by
David Wheeler]Fixed typemap search to use a dist-level typemap if a typemap is not
found in the directory with the *.xs file; (was manifesting as warnings
in Perl 5.6 tests) [David Golden]
Replaced guts of new_from_context(). Build.PL is now executed in a
separate process before resume() is called. (This is generally only of
interest to Module::Build or toolchain developers) (RT#49350) [David
Golden, Eric Wilhelm, Ken Williams]Revised test helper classes to fix potential bugs and add new features
to make writing tests simpler and easier. Changes incorporated into
t/README.pod and t/sample.t as examples for new testing. [David Golden]