cpan Module-Build 0.2801

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
17 years ago
  • Module::Build::Compat's emulation of INC is incorrectly prepending
    a -I to the value of INC. This is incorrect because there should
    already be a -I on the value. I.E. it's "perl Makefile.PL INC=-Ifoo"
    not "perl Makefile.PL INC=foo" so Compat should not prefix a -I.
    [Michael Schwern]

  • Native batch scripts under Windows should not be converted by
    pl2bat. [Spotted by Ron Savage]

  • Tweaked the way we determine whether a file is executable on Unix.
    We use this determination to decide whether to make it executable
    during installation. [Julian Mehnle]

  • Replaced a vestigial 'next' with 'return' now that the code is in a
    subroutine (htmlify_pods()), not a loop. [Ron Savage]

  • Fixed a guaranteed failure in t/signature.t when TEST_SIGNATURE was
    set. [Eric R. Meyers]

  • Fixed a test failure that occurred when testing or installing in
    unattended mode - the code to test whether unattended mode and
    attended mode are working properly was assuming that we started out
    in attended mode. [Steve Peters]

  • Improved our stand-in YAML generator that we use to generate
    META.yaml when authors don't have a copy of installed on
    their machine. It was unable to handle things like embedded
    newlines in the data, now it has a much more extensive escaping
    mechanism. [Stephen Adkins]

  • Revised the docs for --prefix and PREFIX. [Michael Schwern]

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