cpan Module-Build 0.27_08

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
pre-release18 years ago
  • Due to shell quoting issues and differences in syntax between
    various flavors of Windows, the code for the 'pl2bat' utility
    distributed with Perl has been incorporated into M::B::P::Windows.
    [Thanks to Dr Bean and Ron Savage for help testing and isolating
    the problem.]

  • Modify add_build_element() so that it only adds elements if they
    don't already exist. [David Wheeler]

  • Fixed a bug in the 'pass-through' Makefile.PL in which we would die
    if CPAN::Shell->install returned false, but apparently this return
    value is unreliable. Now we only die if the module is actually
    unavailable after installation.

  • Fixed testing problems on VMS related to non-case-preserving
    filesystems. We now bundle Tie::CPHash in the distribution (just
    for testing purposes, it doesn't get installed) to help with
    this. [Craig Berry and Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]

  • We incorrectly documented the 'dynamic_config' flag in the META.yml
    file as having a default value of false, but according to the
    META.yml spec (which, for heaven's sake, we wrote) its default
    value is true. Fixed. [Spotted by Adam Kennedy]

  • The have_c_compiler() method was dying if the ExtUtils::CBuilder
    module wasn't around, which is obviously an unhelpful thing to do.
    Now it just returns false. [Spotted by John Peacock]

  • Fix detection of $VERSION expressions that are not
    assignments. [Spotted by Chris Dolan]

  • Obfuscate one of our constructs that uses a $VERSION variable,
    because it was getting picked up by ExtUtils::MakeMaker's
    version-finder. [Spotted by Randal Schwartz]

  • The config_data script for querying and/or setting a module's
    config data was forgetting to call write() after setting config
    values (though setting feature values was working fine).
    Fixed. [Brian Duggan]

  • On Windows, remove the pl2bat generated 'Build.bat' script without
    the annoying "The batch file cannot be found." error. [Solution
    provided by RazTK and foxidrive on newsgroup alt.msdos.batch]

  • Our version comparisons should now work correctly with modules that
    use to delcare their versions (e.g. "our $VERSION =
    version->new('1.0.0')"). [John Peacock and Ron Savage]

  • We now create a Build.bat script on versions of Windows where it
    makes sense. [Yves]

  • Fixed the verbiage around choosing the correct make-alike on
    different platforms to suggest using 'perl -V:make'. [Suggested by
    anonymous user]

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