cpan Module-Build 0.2610

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
19 years ago
  • new_from_context() was losing its arguments in some cases (and not
    because of inadequate training in debate) - we now pass its
    arguments directly to the Build.PL script rather than merging them
    in afterwards. [Ray Zimmerman]

  • Fixed a bug in which config_data and feature data were being
    forgotten and no module would get written. [Ray

  • Added a recipe to the cookbook showing how to run a single test
    file from the command line. [William McKee]

  • For command-line arguments, we now accept the syntax "--foo=bar" in
    addition to "--foo bar" and "foo=bar". This seems to fit well with
    what GNU getopt and Getopt::Long do, and with people's
    expectations. [Adam Spiers]

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