cpan Module-Build 0.25_01

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
pre-release19 years ago
  • Removed some language from the Module::Build::Compat documentation
    that encouraged people to include a Build.PL without a Makefile.PL.
    Also changed "a replacement for MakeMaker" to "an alternative to
    MakeMaker" in the main documentation, which is basically what I
    meant all along (i.e. a replacement for MakeMaker in your
    particular build process - MakeMaker is never going to be fully
    replaced in the perl world at large, of course), but some people
    got the impression I was a little more truculent toward MakeMaker
    than I really am.

  • Added the 'testcover' action, which runs a test suite using
    Devel::Cover. [Dave Rolsky]

  • Fixed a problem in htmlify_pods() that would produce test failures
    on Cygwin (and probably elsewhere). [Yitzchak Scott-Thoennes]

  • Fixed a problem in t/compat.t that prevented it from being run
    individually using 'make test TEST_FILES=t/compat.t'. The problem
    was that a couple environment variables (TEST_FILES, MAKEFLAGS)
    were being passed through to subprocesses, and confused them.

  • The pass-through Makefiles (type 'small' or 'passthrough') now
    support the TEST_FILES parameter to 'make test'.

  • Fixed a fatal error that would occur on perl 5.005 when building
    HTML documentation, because its version of Pod::Html was old and
    didn't like some of the parameters we fed it. [Spotted by Blair

  • The final line of the generated pass-through Makefile was missing
    its trailing newline, which is now fixed. [Chip Salzenberg]

  • We now depend on YAML version at least 0.35 and at most version
    0.49, so that we don't pick up a new (and backward-incompatible) beta
    version from CPAN.

  • Squashed a warning in t/basic.t about '"Foo::Module::VERSION" used
    only once', and one in PPMMaker about $^V being undefined. [Blair

  • Added a couple temporary output files from HTML documentation
    generation to the cleanup list. [Toby Ovod-Everett]

  • The PodParser module will now only extract paragraphs in the
    'AUTHOR' section of the pod if they contain an '@' character. This
    tends to do a better job, heuristically speaking, of returning
    relevant stuff.

  • Added regression tests and a helper method ( add_build_elements() )
    for adding new elements to the build process. Also some

  • Wrote a recipe in the Cookbook for adding new elements to the build
    process, and a recipe for changing the order in which the steps in
    the build process will occur.

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