cpan Module-Build 0.21

latest releases: 0.42_35, 0.4234, 0.42_33...
20 years ago
  • Added a have_c_compiler() method.

  • Added documentation for the requires(), recommends(),
    build_requires(), and conflicts() methods.

  • On Unix platforms, we now create the "Build" script with a #! line
    matching the perl interpreter that was used to invoke the Build.PL
    script, rather than whatever is in $Config{startperl}. This avoids
    a potential warning about the interpreters not matching. [Spotted
    by Ken Y. Clark]

  • The Unix version now uses the safer multi-argument form of system()
    when building distribution tarballs.

  • Added a regression test for the 'dist' action to the t/runthrough.t

  • Fixed a problem with File::Spec usage when creating the names of
    'libdoc' manual pages - the code wasn't dealing with the volume or
    file portions correctly on certain platforms.

  • When creating the names of the 'libdoc' manual pages, we no longer
    assume that pods are under the hard-coded paths 'blib/lib' or

  • Fixed a crashing bug that could sometimes occur when the
    distribution contained no 'lib' directory. [Chris Dolan]

  • Fixed a crashing bug that happened when the user had .PL files in
    the lib/ directory and didn't explicitly name them in a hash
    reference to the new() constructor. [Chris Reinhardt, bug #4036]

  • .PL files are now passed the names of their target file(s) on the
    command line when they run.

  • When wasn't installed, t/runthrough.t wasn't properly
    skipping some tests that required YAML. This is now fixed.
    [Stephen J. Smith]

  • Added documentation for the dist_version() and dist_name()
    methods. [Spotted by Johan Vromans]

  • Existing values in $ENV{HARNESS_PERL_SWITCHES} are now respected
    and not squashed when we run the 'test' action. [Paul Johnson]

  • On cygwin, the separator string for manual page names has been set
    to '.'. Previously it was '::', inherited from Unix. [Yitzchak

  • Avoid a warning when Build.PL is run (i.e. when the new() method is
    called) and no MANIFEST file exists. [Michael Schwern and Kevin

  • Added documentation for the 'code' and 'docs' actions. [Steve
    Purkis and Mark Stosberg]

  • The internal method compile_support_files() has been renamed to
    process_support_files() in order to make it consistent with other
    processing methods. Note that it was never documented using the
    old name. It's still not documented, actually. Maybe later.

  • Skip the 'write' pseudo-entry in the 'diff' action's installation
    map. [Chris Dolan]

  • Fixed a bug in which notes() set in the Build.PL before
    create_build_script() was called would get lost unless more notes()
    were also set afterwards. [Spotted by Dave Rolsky]

  • The process of building elements of the distribution is now driven
    by a list of build elements, paving the way for letting people add
    their own types of build elements in future versions of
    Module::Build (or in the current version with some difficulty).

  • Fixed some linking errors on Cygwin. [Randy Sims, Terrence Brannon]

  • Fixed a line-ending problem with detecting the dist_abstract
    properly on Cygwin. [Randy Sims]

  • Fixed a problem with signatures that occurred if 'distsign' was
    called before 'distdir' - the signature would be generated twice.

  • Added a 'create_readme' parameter to new(), which will use
    Pod::Text to generate a README from the main (dist_version_from)
    module file during the 'distdir' action.

  • We now refuse to run the 'Build' script if it was created using a
    different version of Module::Build. This has caused a couple of
    nasty bugs in the past, I don't want to know what it would cause in
    the future.

  • Documentation for do_system() has been added. [Dave Rolsky]

  • run_perl_script() is now available as a class method, though it
    will need to (re-)find the perl interpreter in this case.

  • Added a new_from_context() method that authors of automated tools
    like CPANPLUS and CPAN can use instead of running all tasks as
    sub-processes. We also use it in the regression tests for
    Module::Build itself. ** Note that this method is currently
    undocumented because its name may change in the future. **

  • When signing distributions with Module::Signature, we now
    automatically add the SIGNATURE file to the MANIFEST, avoiding an
    unpleasant chicken/egg problem for the module author.
    [unpleasantness spotted by sungo]

  • In Module::Build::Compat, added support for the 'verbose' parameter
    to Makefile.PL [spotted by Soren Andersen, fixed by Michael

  • The Module::Build distribution now has a cryptographic 'SIGNATURE'
    file created by Module::Signature.

  • Added proper documentation for the subclass() method. [spotted by
    Jonathan Steinert]

  • Worked around a bug in Red Hat 9 which prevented man
    pages from being installed in the correct places. [spotted by Ville

  • Fixed a Module::Build::Compat bug in which setting INSTALLDIRS
    caused a crash. [spotted by Ilya Martynov]

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