cpan Module-Build 0.07

latest releases: 2.232012, 0.1.11, 0.5...
21 years ago
  • We now generate a 'META.yaml' metadata file during 'Build dist'.
    This can be very useful for lots of things, none of which are
    implemented yet.

  • Added a 'dynamic_config' parameter, defaulting to false. This
    lets distribution systems (, etc.) build, test, and install
    "easy" modules without having to execute the Build.PL at runtime.
    It's also a guarantee that the list of dependencies is exactly
    what is present in the metadata file, and won't be changed during
    the build process.

  • Added support for "recommended" and "build-time requirement"
    modules, besides those that are absolutely required. Also added a
    "conflicts" field.

  • Changed the 'prereq' field to 'requires' (the old name will
    continue to work).

  • Added support for checking the installed version of perl as an
    explicit dependency.

  • Added a 'license' parameter to specify one of a fixed number of
    licenses for the distribution.

  • Fixed a bug in Module::Build::Compat that was preventing arguments
    from being processed properly. [patch by Ilya Martynov]

  • Make sure we're in the right directory when we write the cleanup
    file, since various ExtUtils::Install errors might leave us in an
    unknown directory. [patch by Ilya Martynov]

  • Specified the 'license', 'recommends', and 'dynamic_config'
    values in Build.PL, and changed 'prereq' to 'requires'.

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