Make new() and from_hex() accept the "0X" prefix, not just the "0x" prefix,
but not accept just "X" or "x". Now, "0XFF" returns 255, not NaN.Make new() and from_bin() accept the "0B" prefix, not just the "0b" prefix, but
not accept just "B" or "b". Now, "0B1111" returns 255, not NaN.Make new() and from_oct() accept the "0o" and "0O" prefixes, but not accept
just "O" (capital letter O) or "o" (lowercase letter o). Now, "0o377" and
"0O377" return 255, not NaN. Also intepret floating point numbers with a
leading zero and a binary exponent as an octal number, so that "01.4p0"
returns 1.5, not NaN. There is still no ambiguety, since decimal floating
point numbers use "e" or "E" before the exponent, and binary and hexadecimal
floating point numbers use a "0b"/"0B" or "0x"/"0x" prefix, respectively.