cpan Math-BigInt 1.999809

latest releases: 2.003003, 2.003002, 2.003001...
7 years ago
  • When a new method is added to Math::BigInt or Math::BigFloat, and this new
    method requires a new backend library method, die with a suitable error
    message if the installed backend library does not support this new method.
    The error message says that the method requires a newer version of the
    backend library.

  • Fix typos in Math::BigFloat and Math::BigInt.

  • Add bfib() and blucas() to Math::BigInt. They return Fibonacci and Lucas
    numbers, respectively. The actual computation of the numbers is done by the
    backend library. Documented both methods in POD. Add test files bfib-mbi.t
    and blucas-mbi.t.

  • Add _fib() and _lucas() to Math::BigInt::Lib. They return Fibonacci and
    Lucas numbers, respectively. Document both methods in POD. Add test files
    author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_fib.t and author-lib-arithmetic-unary-_lucas.t.

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