cpan Math-BigInt 1.999719

latest releases: 2.003002, 2.003001, 2.002001...
8 years ago
  • Revert the change to Math::BigFloat's blsft() and brsft() methods, which
    truncated the input (and output) to integers. However, now convert the base
    to an object only when the base isn't an object already. Also return NaN if
    any of the three operands is a NaN.

  • Change t/ to reflect the changes to blsft() and brsft(). Also,
    when a method should be tested, actually test that method, not the
    overloaded operator, which doesn't necessarily behave in the exact same
    manner as the method. This applies to the methods binc(), bdec(), bpow(),
    badd(), bsub(), bmul(), bdiv() in scalar context, brsft(), blsft(), and

  • The first output argument from objectify() is the class name, so use the
    variable name $class, not $self.

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