cpan Math-BigInt 1.999718

latest releases: 2.003003, 2.003002, 2.003001...
8 years ago
  • Improve documentation on large, unquoted input values to Math::BigInt.

  • Remove stuff from that was placed into author-numify-mbf.t, but
    accidentally still present in Adjusted test counts as needed.

  • Fix file headers in author-bmod-bdiv-mbi.t and author-btmod-btdiv-mbi.t.

  • Add bnan(), binf(), and bsub() methods to Math::BigFloat. This is a step
    along the way to having Math::BigFloat no longer being a subclass of

  • Using bnan, binf(), bzero() and bone() as functions is deprecated. This is a
    step along the way to a pure object oriented design.

  • When bnan() and binf() are used as instance methods, they no longer delete
    the accuracy and precision instance variables.

  • Add test files from_bin-mbf.t, from_oct-mbf.t, and new-mbf.t.

  • Remove some code for Perl prior to 5.6. Such old versions are no longer
    support anyway.

  • Fix buggy handling of NaN in bcmp().

  • Add methods beq(), bne(), blt(), ble(), bgt(), and bge() to Math::BigInt and
    Math::BigFloat. These methods are called for the overloaded operators.

  • Add overloading of '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', to to Math::BigInt and
    Math::BigFloat and fix the broken overloading of '>='. These overloaded
    operators now behave like the equivalent core Perl operators.

  • Add test file author-relop-mbi-mbf.t for testing bcmp(), beq(), bne(),
    blt(), ble(), bgt(), and bge(), as well as the overloaded operators '==',
    '!=', '<', '<=', '>', and '>='.

  • 'int' now truncates a Math::BigFloat object to an integer without converting
    it to a Math::BigInt. When an object becomes a Math::BigInt, further
    computations with that object as invocand causes the arguments to be
    converted to Math::BigInt objects too, leading to unexpected results. This
    is confusing people. Unless downgrading is in effect, no Math::BigFloat
    object should become a Math::BigInt unless a Math::BigInt is explicitly

  • For Math::BigFloat, modify bitwise operations brsft() and brsft(), and add
    band(), bior(), bxor(), and bnot(). These now handle floating point numbers
    the same way as core Perl does, i.e., truncate non-integers to integers
    before applying the bitwise operator. This change will also make Perl's
    behaviour more consistent whether 'use bignum' is in effect or not.

  • Add overloading of '~' (bitwise not). It just calls bnot(), which has been
    implemented for ages.

  • Fix error in POD for bone().

  • Take parts of the code in t/calling.t and move it into the new files
    t/calling-class-methods.t and t/calling-instance-methods.t.

  • Improve test descriptions in t/

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