cpan Log-Log4perl 1.01

latest releases: 1.57, 1.56, 1.55...
18 years ago
  • (ms) Added 'utf8' and 'binmode' flags to Log::Log4perl::Appender::File
    per suggestion by Jonathan Warden.
  • (ms) Made test cases 003Layout.t and 033UsrCspec.t resilient against
    broken ActiveState 5.8.4 and 5.8.7.
  • (ms) Skipped failing test cases for 5.005, looks like the caller() level
    in carp() is wrong, but not worth fixing.
  • (ms) Fixed the bug with the caller level of the first
    log message sent after init_and_watch() detected a change. Added
    test case to 027Watch2.t.
  • (ms) Added FAQ on UTF-8.
  • (ms) Applied patch by David Britton, improving performance during
    the init() call.
  • (ms) Fixed bug
    to prevent it from modifying $_. Thanks to Steffen Winkler.

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