cpan Log-Log4perl 0.50

latest releases: 1.57, 1.56, 1.55...
19 years ago
  • (ms) Added ':resurrect' source filter, which uncomments all lines
    starting with "###l4p". Can be used for hidden L4p statements,
    which are then activated by calling
    'use Log::Log4perl qw(:resurrect)'.
  • (ms) Fixed Win32 test suite bug: File::Spec->catfile() returns '/'
    as a path separator on both Unix and Win32, while Log4perl's
    layouts (derived from caller() info) use '\' on Win32 and '/'
    on Unix. Changed tests to only verify file name, not path.
  • (ms) Added 'appender_by_name()' to retrieve an appender defined
    in the configuration file by name later.
  • (ms) Added FAQ on "stubbing out" L4p macros in environments
    that don't have L4p installed.
  • (ms) Added convenience function appender_thresholds_adjust() to adjust
    thresholds of chosen (or all) appenders
  • (ms) Got rid of Test::Simple dependency
  • (ms) Moved autoflush setting in L4p::Appender::File from log()
    to file_open(), running only once, not with every message.
  • (ms) Applied doc fixes suggested by Jon Bjornstad.
  • (ms) Added ScreenANSIColor appender to colorize messages based on
    their priority. See Log::Log4perl::Appender::ScreenANSIColor.

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