cpan Log-Log4perl 0.48

latest releases: 1.57, 1.56, 1.55...
19 years ago
  • (ms) fixed bug reported by Chip Salzenberg logdie()
    and logwarn() are now compliant with the warn() and die()
    standard which suppresses the "at file line x" message if
    the message ends with a "\n".
  • (ms) New interface for custom config parsers.
    Log::Log4perl::Config::BaseConfigurator now provides a base class
    for new config parsers. Init can now be called like
    Log::Log4perl->init($parser) with a parser object, which is
    derived from Log::Log4perl::Config::BaseConfigurator and
    provides a parse() method (no arguments). The file (or whatever)
    to be parsed can be set by calling $parser->text(\@lines) or
    $parser->file($name) before calling L4p->init($parser).
    The Property, DOM and LDAP configurators have been
    adapted, check their implementation for details.
  • (ms) Added integrity check for Log4perl configurations: Log4perl
    now issues a warning if a configuration doesn't define any
    appenders. Should anyone not like this, it can be turned
    off by setting $L4p::Config::CONFIG_INTEGRITY_CHECK = 0
    before calling init().
  • (ms) Fixed bug reported by Johannes Kilian
    with DIE handler and "PatternLayout" shortcut. Replaced
    'eval { require ... }' by L4p::Util::module_available in
  • (ms) Did away with $IS_LOADED internal variable.
  • (ms) Fixed bug with L4p::INITIALIZED vs. L4P::Logger::INITIALIZED,
    added t/020Easy2.t.
  • (ms) Added adm/cvskwexp script to check if we're running into CVS
    trouble because of Log keyword expansion.

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