cpan Log-Log4perl 0.47

latest releases: 1.57, 1.56, 1.55...
19 years ago
  • (ms) Added suggestion by Hutton Davidson
    to make the socket appender more forgiving. New option
    "silent_recovery" will silently ignore errors and recover
    if possible on initiallly dead socket connections.
  • (ms) Fixed bug with initialized() -- checking once caused
    subsequent calls to return true.
  • (ms) run t/045Composite.t only if Storable is installed -- earlier
    perl versions (like 5.6.1) don't have it by default.
  • (ms) fixed test case in t/020Easy.t for buggy perl 5.6.1
  • (ms) added Log::Log4perl::infiltrate_lwp() to make LWP::UserAgent
    play in the L4p framework upon request.
  • (ms) perl 5.00503 mysteriously core dumps in t/017Watch.t, seems like
    this was introduced in 0.46. Disabled these tests for now
    if we're on 5.00503 to avoid installation hickups. Longer term,
    need to investigate.

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