cpan Date-Manip 6.90

latest releases: 6.95, 6.94, 6.93...
22 months ago
  • Time zone fixes
    Aliases in the tzdata database were not being added to the timezone
    data. Reported in GitHub issue #40.

    The UTC timezone is now named Etc/UTC instead of UTC to be in line
    with the aliases.

    Newest zoneinfo data (tzdata 2022g).

  • Language fixes
    Additions to the Polish translation. GitHub issue #41.

    Additions to several languages. GitHub issue #42.

    Added some support for per-language parsing rules to respond to
    GitHub issue #42.

  • Documentation fixes
    The version numbers in the change log was messed up due to a
    skipped release (no new timezone fixes that time). Fixed.

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