cargo shadowsocks-rust 1.20.1

9 days ago

Bug Fixes

  • local-online-config: SIP008 auto reload configuration task will add online servers without replacing the existed ones. This bug will eventually cause sslocal consumes too many memories and get OOM killed.

Users are encourage to update to this version if using 1.19.4 to 1.20.0.


  • shadowsocks-service: Updated rustls to v0.23 with ring backend.
  • local-redir, server: Better approach to check current platform IP stack capabilities like Go (IPv4, IPv6, IPv4-mapped-IPv6 supports).
  • Explicitly enable dual-stack if listen addresses (server, local_address) are IPv4-mapped-IPv6, by setting IPV6_V6ONLY=0.

Full Changelog: v1.20.0...v1.20.1

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