cargo serde_yaml 0.8.0

latest releases: 0.9.34+deprecated, 0.9.34-deprecated, 0.9.33...
5 years ago
  • Reduce compile time of Deserialize impls by instantiating fewer Visitor methods when we know the type of data expected (#96)

    This is potentially a breaking change for some handwritten Deserialize impls. For example a Deserialize impl that invokes Deserializer::deserialize_string would no longer deserialize successfully from anything but a string in the input data, even if the Visitor impl otherwise supports types other than string. Deserialize impls that support deserializing from multiple different Serde data types need to use Deserializer::deserialize_any instead.

  • Preserve integers as integers when serialized by serde_yaml::to_value (#98)

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