cargo lfs 2.1.0
lfs v2.1.0

latest releases: 2.6.0, 2.5.0, 2.4.0...
2 years ago
  • fix failure in parsing --cols arguments with underscore
  • list all column names in case of bad value of --cols
  • improve alignement of the 'inodes' column - Fix #38
  • it's now possible to have size info but no inodes, so as to be compatible with filesystems not filling inodes info in a consistent way - Fix #36
  • breaking change: inodes related fields in the JSON have been moved to a dedicated inodes struct (because they're now optional)
  • addition of 2 new non default columns: use_percent and inodes_percent
  • switch columns type and disk: it makes more sense to have the type of filesystem just after the filesystem name

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