cargo leptos 0.6.12

latest releases: 0.7.7, 0.7.6, 0.7.5...
8 months ago

This is mainly a maintenance release, but includes a couple new features that I want to point out:

impl Trait in Component Props

You can now use impl Trait syntax directly in component props, rather than explicitly specifying a generic and a where clause


fn ProgressBar<F>(#[prop(default = 100)] max: u16, progress: F) -> impl IntoView
    F: Fn() -> i32 + 'static,
    view! {


fn ProgressBar(
    #[prop(default = 100)] max: u16,
    progress: impl Fn() -> i32 + 'static,
) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {

Support spreading dynamic attributes from one component to another

In the following code Bar doesn't currently inherit attributes from Foo when it spreads its attributes. PR #2534 fixes this.

fn main() {
    let (count, set_count) = create_signal(0);

    mount_to_body(move || {
        view! {
                attr:hello=move || count.get().to_string()

            <button on:click=move|_| { set_count.update(|count| *count += 1) }>"+ count"</button>

fn Foo(#[prop(attrs)] attrs: Vec<(&'static str, Attribute)>) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
        <Bar {..attrs} />

fn Bar(#[prop(attrs)] attrs: Vec<(&'static str, Attribute)>) -> impl IntoView {
    view! {
        <div {..attrs}>"hello world"</div>

Complete Changelog

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Full Changelog: v0.6.11...v0.6.12

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