cargo fend 1.4.0
Version 1.4.0

latest releases: 1.4.9, 1.4.8, 1.4.7...
6 months ago

Changes in this version:

  • The license of fend has changed. As of v1.4.0, fend is available under the GPL 3.0 (or later). See for more information.

  • Change unit simplification and unit aliasing to be simpler and more consistent. Units like % and million are now simplified unless you explicitly convert your result to one of those units. fend will now also simplify certain combinations of units, such as volts / ohms becoming amperes.

    For example:

    > 5%
    > 46 million
    > 0.5 to %
    > 34820000 to million
    34.82 million
    > (5 volts) / (2 ohms)
    2.5 amperes
    > 3 feet * 125 kg * s^-2
    114.3 newtons
    > c / (145MHz)
    approx. 2.0675341931 meters
  • Rename Windows installer artifacts (MSI files) to also include the version number, e.g. fend-1.4.0-windows-x64.msi.

  • Replace nanorand dependency with rand, which is better supported and fixes compilation errors on FreeBSD.

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