cargo feed-rs 0.6.0

latest releases: 2.0.0, 1.5.3, 2.0.0-beta.0...
3 years ago


  • Introduce MediaRSS support in the RSS2.0 parser (thanks @evilpie !)
  • Extended MediaRSS and iTunes support
  • Use pubDate as alternative to published in Atom feed entry (thanks @Leinnan !)
  • Add support for the xml:base specification when constructing links + resolving URIs (thanks for the fantastic bug report again @jangernert )

MediaRSS + iTunes

The key change in this release is the support for MediaRSS and iTunes namepsaces and the subsequent impact on the model + element mapping, hence the bump to a new minor version.


Thus handling is as follows:

  • enclosure is treated as if it was a MediaRSS MediaContent element and wrapped in a MediaObject
  • content:encoded is mapped to the content field of an Entry
  • MediaRSS elements without a parent group are added to a default MediaObject
  • iTunes elements are added to the default MediaObject

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