cargo aws_sdk_dynamodb 0.9.0
0.9.0 (March 17, 2022)

latest releases: 1.22.0, 1.21.0, 1.20.0...
2 years ago

Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠ (aws-sdk-rust#406) aws_types::config::Config has been renamed to aws_types::sdk_config::SdkConfig. This is to better differentiate it
    from service-specific configs like aws_sdk_s3::Config. If you were creating shared configs with
    aws_config::load_from_env(), then you don't have to do anything. If you were directly referring to a shared config,
    update your use statements and struct names.


    use aws_types::config::Config;
    fn main() {
        let config = Config::builder()
        // config builder methods...


    // We re-export this type from the root module so it's easier to reference
    use aws_types::SdkConfig;
    fn main() {
        let config = SdkConfig::builder()
        // config builder methods...
  • ⚠ (smithy-rs#724) Timeout configuration has been refactored a bit. If you were setting timeouts through environment variables or an AWS
    profile, then you shouldn't need to change anything. Take note, however, that we don't currently support HTTP connect,
    read, write, or TLS negotiation timeouts. If you try to set any of those timeouts in your profile or environment, we'll
    log a warning explaining that those timeouts don't currently do anything.

    If you were using timeouts programmatically,
    you'll need to update your code. In previous versions, timeout configuration was stored in a single TimeoutConfig
    struct. In this new version, timeouts have been broken up into several different config structs that are then collected
    in a timeout::Config struct. As an example, to get the API per-attempt timeout in previous versions you would access
    it with <your TimeoutConfig>.api_call_attempt_timeout() and in this new version you would access it with
    <your timeout::Config>.api.call_attempt_timeout(). We also made some unimplemented timeouts inaccessible in order to
    avoid giving users the impression that setting them had an effect. We plan to re-introduce them once they're made
    functional in a future update.

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