cargo aws_sdk_dynamodb 0.8.0
0.8.0 (Februrary 24, 2022)

latest releases: 1.54.0, 1.53.0, 1.52.0...
2 years ago

Breaking Changes:

  • ⚠ (smithy-rs#1216) aws-sigv4 no longer skips the content-length and content-type headers when signing with SignatureLocation::QueryParams

New this release:

  • 🎉 (smithy-rs#1220, aws-sdk-rust#462) Made it possible to change settings, such as load timeout, on the credential cache used by the DefaultCredentialsChain.
  • 🐛 (smithy-rs#1197) Fixed a bug that caused clients to eventually stop retrying. The cross-request retry allowance wasn't being reimbursed upon receiving a successful response, so once this allowance reached zero, no further retries would ever be attempted.
  • 🐛 (smithy-rs#1217, aws-sdk-rust#467) ClientBuilder helpers rustls() and native_tls() now return DynConnector so that they once again work when constructing clients with custom middleware in the SDK.
  • 🐛 (smithy-rs#1216, aws-sdk-rust#466) Fixed a bug in S3 that prevented the content-length and content-type inputs from being included in a presigned request signature. With this fix, customers can generate presigned URLs that enforce content-length and content-type for requests to S3.

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