artifacthub helm/secret-store-csi-driver/secrets-store-csi-driver 1.1.0

latest releases: 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.2...
2 years ago

v1.1.0 - 2022-02-23

Announcement 📢

  • The helm charts were moved to as part of v0.3.0 release. As part of this release, the old charts from the main branch have been removed. Update to to use the helm charts for all releases.
  • is deprecated. Use instead for SecretProviderClass API version.
  • Note to Providers: The provider volume default will move from /etc/kubernetes/secrets-store-csi-providers to /var/run/secrets-store-csi-providers in a future version of the driver. For more info see #823 and #870.


Bug Fixes 🐞

  • c8c4533 fix: update err variable in defer to prevent err shadowing
  • 91440b7 fix: add unit test to validate error shadowed bug

Code Refactoring 💎

  • b0af2b9 refactor: use NewSharedInformerFactoryWithOptions for new shared informer
  • 14489c7 refactor: update mdbook install and serve

Continuous Integration 💜

  • 2f16132 ci: add goreleaser workflow for release
  • d0e614f ci: fix shellcheck file paths
  • 00a1445 ci: add markdown-link-check workflow

Documentation 📘

  • 8c41c4a docs: remove helm repo url change note in install steps
  • 052429b docs: add slack badge
  • 95218a6 docs: fix dead links based on errors
  • 0391489 docs: update features and add toc
  • ba364e1 docs: Update helm with linux crd image values (#797)
  • 856ad85 docs: update supported feature by current providers
  • a760c18 docs: fix typo in api version group name
  • ed9ecf3 docs: add design docs and roadmap to website
  • 99aafa5 docs: add project status to docs

Features 🌈

  • 7ac887a feat: add token requests client (#805)
  • 4b8c442 feat: send NodePublishVolumeRequest.VolumeContext in MountRequest to provider
  • d7809a7 feat: support provider paths under /var/run

Maintenance 🔧

  • 06931d3 chore: bump version to v1.1.0-rc.0 in release-1.1
  • ca257a8 chore: mark v1alpha1 api version as deprecated
  • ccb9fa4 chore: updates trivy command
  • a596624 chore: log invalid key in error
  • dac5381 chore: update debian-base to bullseye-v1.1.0
  • f694be2 chore: bump node-driver-reegistrar image to v2.4.0
  • 9750771 chore: remove deprecated --filtered-watch-secret flag
  • c78559e chore: bump livenessprobe image to v2.5.0
  • 2b27e0c chore: upgrade kubernetes deps
  • 6069215 chore: use TARGETARCH for image build and makefile update
  • e1f143c chore: use corev1 as import alias instead of v1
  • 331cf9f chore: bump version to v1.1.0 in release-1.1
  • 1ecec55 chore: make token requests conditional for v1.20+
  • a036d14 chore: bump node-driver-registrar:v2.5.0 and livenessprobe:v2.6.0

Security Fix 🛡️

Testing 💚

  • 899d3ed test: add test for view and admin cluster role (#845)

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