artifacthub helm/rook/rook-ceph 1.5.2

latest releases: 1.14.5, 1.14.4, 1.13.9...
3 years ago

v1.5.2 is taken down due to a potential data loss with OBCs in #6767


Rook v1.5.2 is a patch release limited in scope and focusing on small feature additions and bug fixes.


  • Enable collecting Ceph logs from the host in case the pods restarted multiple times (#6679, @leseb)
  • Support OSD metadata device passed by-id (#6696, @leseb)
  • Ability to abort and restart orchestration when the cluster CR is modified (#6693, @leseb)
  • Object bucket provisioning error handling (#6699, @BlaineEXE)
  • Object workloads failed briefly during Rook upgrades until RGW pods updated (#6742, @travisn)
  • Update Ceph manifests and operator base image to v15.2.7 (#6726, @travisn)
  • Avoid duplicate labels when merging custom labels (#6720, @galexrt)
  • Properly apply custom labels on CSI components (#6702, @galexrt)
  • Uninstall cleanup ignores pending Ceph daemon pods (#6719, @sp98)
  • Update the Controller Runtime version to 0.6 (#6568, @aruniiird)

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