artifacthub helm/rook/rook-ceph 1.5.0

latest releases: 1.14.8, 1.13.10, 1.14.7...
3 years ago

Major Themes

v1.5.0 is a minor release with features primarily for the Ceph operator.

K8s Version Support

  • Kubernetes supported versions: 1.11 and newer

Upgrade Guides

If you are running a previous Rook version, please see the corresponding storage provider upgrade guide:

Breaking Changes


  • The CRDs have been separated from common.yaml into crds.yaml to give more flexibility for upgrades. New non-helm deployments require installation of the crds.yaml.
  • The discovery daemon is disabled by default in new clusters since the discovery is not necessary in most clusters.
    • Enable the discovery daemon if devices are being added to nodes and you want to automatically configure OSDs on new devices without restarting the operator.
  • Rook will now disallow an even number of Ceph mons. Mons require an odd number for a healthy quorum.
  • CRDs have been updated to use Kubernetes API from the deprecated



  • Discover Agent: custom labels can be added to the agent pods


  • Ceph Cluster
    • The storage capacity of the cluster is updated periodically in the CephCluster CR status
    • Encryption support is available with a Key Management Service (Vault)
    • (experimental): Support for Stretch clusters that allow mons and OSDs to work reliably across two data centers
  • Ceph Block Pool
  • Ceph Filesystem
    • preserveFilesystemOnDelete option replaces preservePoolsOnDelete to avoid deleting the filesystem during uninstall
      • Rook will treat the deprecated preservePoolsOnDelete: true as if the user intends preserveFilesystemOnDelete: true
  • Helm chart
    • Updated to Helm v3.4 for build and testing
    • Added a crds.enabled setting to allow the CRDs to be managed separately from the Helm chart. By default the CRDs are still installed
  • Ceph CSI
    • Allow custom labels to be added to DaemonSet and Deployment Pods

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