Rook v1.11.7 is a patch release limited in scope and focusing on feature additions and bug fixes to the Ceph operator.
- core: Delete exporter resources if ceph version is not supported (#12271, @avanthakkar)
- external: FQDN should be persisted instead of using the ip endpoint (#12264, @parth-gr)
- object: Implement more capabilities for object store users (#12256, @thotz)
- test: Add CI e2e test for multus validation test (#12282, @BlaineEXE)
- core: Use default-* logging flags for ceph daemons so they can be overridden (#12302, @Javlopez)
- helm: Add exporter resource entry to ceph cluster documentation (#12251, @galexrt)
- mgr: Allow other namespaces in the ServiceMonitor resource (#12293, @kerryeon)
- object: Add missing cephcluster spec addition in object controller (#12273, @thotz)
- monitoring: Service monitor should not use mgr_role label (#12268, @travisn)
- test: Allow specifying custom nginx image for multus validation (#12231, @iPraveenParihar)
- operator: Pull multus validation test images before test (#12211, @BlaineEXE)
- rbdmirror: Ensure rbd mirror daemon is upgraded (#12247, @travisn)