artifacthub helm/rook/rook-ceph 1.10.0

latest releases: 1.14.7, 1.14.6, 1.14.5...
22 months ago

Upgrade Guide

To upgrade from previous versions of Rook, see the Ceph upgrade guide.

Breaking Changes

  • Remove support for Ceph Octopus (v15). Before upgrading to v1.10 please confirm you are running on at least v16.
  • Minimum K8s version supported is v1.19.


  • The Ceph-CSI driver v3.7 is the default driver configured with Rook. See all the new CSI features in the v3.7 release notes.
  • Added support for AWS Server Side Encryption with AWS-SSE:S3 for RGW.
  • Added customEndpoints setting to specify a list of custom endpoint list for Object Multi-site connections in the CephObjectZone CR.
  • Support OSDs on logical volumes in host-based clusters in addition to raw volumes and partitions.
  • The toolbox pod now uses the Ceph image directly instead of the Rook image. This allows the same version of Ceph to be available in the toolbox as in your cluster.

Krew Plugin v0.2

See the new tools in the Rook Krew Plugin released recently in v0.2 as well:

  • Show the health of the Rook cluster: kubectl rook-ceph health
  • Connect to a Mon or OSD pod in debug mode: kubectl rook-ceph debug rook-ceph-osd-0

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