artifacthub helm/opentelemetry-helm/opentelemetry-collector 0.5.0
OpenTelemetry Collector v0.5.0 (Beta)

latest releases: 0.51.1, 0.51.0, 0.50.1...
3 years ago

🎉 OpenTelemetry Collector v0.5.0 (Beta) 🎉

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • Update OTLP to v0.4.0 (#1142): Collector will be incompatible with any other sender or receiver of OTLP protocol
    of different versions
  • Make "--new-metrics" command line flag the default (#1148)
  • Change endpoint to url in Zipkin exporter config (#1186)
  • Change tls_credentials to tls_settings in Jaegar receiver config (#1233)
  • OTLP receiver config change for protocols to support mTLS (#1223)
  • Remove export_resource_labels flag from Zipkin exporter (#1163)

🚀 New components 🚀

  • Receivers
    • Added process scraper to the hostmetrics receiver (#1047)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • otlpexporter: send configured headers in request (#1130)
  • Enable Collector to be run as a Windows service (#1120)
  • Add config for HttpServer (#1196)
  • Allow cors in HTTPServerSettings (#1211)
  • Add a generic grpc server settings config, cleanup client config (#1183)
  • Rely on gRPC to batch and loadbalance between connections instead of custom logic (#1212)
  • Allow to tune the read/write buffers for gRPC clients (#1213)
  • Allow to tune the read/write buffers for gRPC server (#1218)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • Handle overlapping metrics from different jobs in prometheus exporter (#1096)
  • Fix handling of SpanKind INTERNAL in OTLP OC translation (#1143)
  • Unify zipkin v1 and v2 annotation/tag parsing logic (#1002)
  • mTLS: Add support to configure client CA and enforce ClientAuth (#1185)
  • Fixed untyped Prometheus receiver bug (#1194)
  • Do not embed ProtocolServerSettings in gRPC (#1210)
  • Add Context to the missing CreateMetricsReceiver method (#1216)

📦 Release bits 📦

Docker: docker pull otel/opentelemetry-collector:0.4.1
Binary checksums: Generated with shasum -a 256 bin/* and are present in the checksums.txt file

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