artifacthub helm/opentelemetry-helm/opentelemetry-collector 0.12.0
Release version 0.12.0

latest releases: 0.51.1, 0.51.0, 0.50.1...
2 years ago

🚀 New components 🚀

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • Remove queued_retry and enable otlp metrics receiver in default config (#1823, #1838)
  • Add limit_percentage and spike_limit_percentage options to memorylimiter processor (#1622)
  • hostmetrics receiver:
    • Collect additional labels from partitions in the filesystems scraper (#1858)
    • Add filters for mount point and filesystem type (#1866)
  • Add cloud.provider semantic conventions (#1865)
  • attribute processor: Add log support (#1783)
  • Deprecate OpenCensus-based internal data structures (#1843)
  • Introduce SpanID data type, not yet used in Protobuf messages ($1854, #1855)
  • Enable otlp trace by default in the released docker image (#1883)
  • tailsampling processor: Combine batches of spans into a single batch (#1864)
  • filter processor: Update to use pdata (#1885)
  • Allow MSI upgrades (#1914)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • prometheus receiver: Print a more informative message about 'up' metric value (#1826)
  • Use custom data type and custom JSON serialization for traceid (#1840)
  • Skip creation of redundant nil resource in translation from OC if there are no combined metrics (#1803)
  • tailsampling processor: Only send to next consumer once (#1735)
  • Report Windows pagefile usage in bytes (#1837)
  • Fix issue where Prometheus SD config cannot be parsed (#1877)

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