artifacthub helm/kyverno/kyverno 1.4.0

latest releases: 3.2.4, 3.2.4-rc.1, 3.2.3...
2 years ago


56eeefa tag v1.4.0

Note: there was a selector app: kyverno added to the Deployment of the Kyverno Helm chart, it could impact the upgrade process as the selector field cannot be modified during an upgrade. This selector will be removed in 1.4.1, you can comment it out during the upgrade. Thanks to @andriktr for reporting the issue.
For HA, currently recommended minimum replicas is 3.

Included in release candidates

bc3755d Fix Helm chart metrics service to allow NodePort (#2035)
68555a3 Fix build errors with Go 1.16 (#2034)
65975a8 Enable webhooks configuration via Helm (#2032)
f1491fe Allow metrics service annotations to be defined separate from main service (#1988)
6d5e988 BugFix - update the annotation lastRequestTimestamp from active instances (#2019)
6f07ea4 Customize namespaceSelector of Webhookconfigurations (#2003)
9d00348 Fix: mutate policies kept applying to these terminating Pods (#1978)
b486493 Merge pull request #2009 from kyverno/readme/fix_slack_link
b7532c8 Merge pull request #2015 from realshuting/fix_prometheus_panics
0172879 Merge pull request #2017 from kyverno/add_chip
6b85b6d Merge pull request #2021 from RinkiyaKeDad/bot_fix
188ea0f add Chip Zoller as a maintainer
fa41943 fix merge eror (#2016)
2abeb9d fix prometheus panics
f71b583 fix slack link
34cf44a improve log message for generate policies (#1993)
15e4a4e initial commit (#2005)
4e6cdb9 moved bot yaml to workflows
e61f6f9 tag v1.4.0-rc2
7e9be24 updating minio verison (#1956)
1412c1f - update version to v1.3.6; - split Kustomization manifests; - revert release/install.yaml (#1945)
e227636 1947/e2e generate policy (#1951)
4213148 BugFix: move app: kyverno to labels for tutorial (#1943)
1068fda Fix Dev setup
8a1a83a Merge branch 'main' of into main
1bce06e Merge branch 'main' of into main
4ae3f24 Merge branch 'main' of into main
445394a Merge branch 'main' of into main
e6db5c7 Merge branch 'main' of into main
95bba86 Merge branch 'main' of into main
7728e6a Merge branch 'main' of into main
e4eeeb3 Merge branch 'main' of into main
eceaa3c Merge branch 'main' of into main
e5a4dc1 Merge branch 'main' of into main
34fc83f Merge branch 'main' of into main
cd4d738 Merge pull request #1877 from yashvardhan-kukreja/prometheus-integration-setup
8ffe9c0 Merge pull request #1934 from kyverno/readme/add-contributing-details
5dfd16c Merge pull request #1946 from RinkiyaKeDad/1944_more_than_fix
eaa96f3 Merge pull request #1974 from vyankyGH/update/e2e-test
62c4cd7 Recommanded Kubernetes labels and custom labels (#1873)
3c4c6da Remove runAsUser specification from Security Context (#1972)
d8ad5ba Remove unneeded fmt error (#1927)
8eb1d4c Update variable paths when auto generate the controller rules (#1914)
e6a0f38 add details on contributing
b0ef84c added e2e tests: ensuring the availability of kyverno's prometheus metrics-server
29c6e90 added test, removed comment
10e23da added: JSON for Grafana Dashboard (#1952)
a931f8f added: admission_request_timestamp for kyverno_admission_review_latency_milliseconds and a small fix (#1970)
bb80e1b added: initial prometheus client setup
ab959d0 bump kind to 0.11.0, k8s v1.21
6d2cb87 change min support kubernetes version to 1.16 for kyverno 1.4 (#1935)
605d182 e2e test cases for generate (#1835)
e9a972a feat: HA (#1931)
72aa739 feat: added kyverno_admission_review_latency_milliseconds metric
833d097 feat: added kyverno_policy_changes_info metric
b8f8a47 feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_execution_latency_milliseconds metric
fea074f feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_info_total metric
43a138a feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_results_info metric
8eae8ec feat: added support for exposing the metrics via kyverno-svc service
d9ad564 fixed generate flow (#1948)
e944797 fixed spacing problem in operators
3b6aeda - add initialization method - add methods to get attributes
46d7c29 - add isLeader; - update to use configmap lock
c5233bc - init separate kubeclient for leaderelection - fix webhook monitor
ce91b76 - refactor Kustomize structure - Merge branch 'main' into support-ha
1068fda Fix Dev setup
dd5552a Gracefully drain request
c27f619 HA - Webhook Register / Webhook Monitor / Certificate Renewer (#1920)
91004f7 Merge branch 'main' into support-ha
e6db5c7 Merge branch 'main' of into main
1bce06e Merge branch 'main' of into main
34fc83f Merge branch 'main' of into main
8a1a83a Merge branch 'main' of into main
7728e6a Merge branch 'main' of into main
95bba86 Merge branch 'main' of into main
e4eeeb3 Merge branch 'main' of into main
445394a Merge branch 'main' of into main
b455b07 Merge branch 'support-ha' of into support-ha
cd4d738 Merge pull request #1877 from yashvardhan-kukreja/prometheus-integration-setup
8f0f894 Merge pull request #1917 from realshuting/support-ha
f55ea24 Merge pull request #1923 from vyankyGH/feature/HA
8ffe9c0 Merge pull request #1934 from kyverno/readme/add-contributing-details
62c4cd7 Recommanded Kubernetes labels and custom labels (#1873)
d8ad5ba Remove unneeded fmt error (#1927)
979946e add clusterrole leaderelection
e6a0f38 add details on contributing
c4c6a72 add leader election to GenerateController
8e65f09 add leader election to generate cleanup controller
f806ee4 add leaderelection
b0ef84c added e2e tests: ensuring the availability of kyverno's prometheus metrics-server
bb80e1b added: initial prometheus client setup
edb5321 address comments
cf3891f address reviewdog comments
b168daf address reviewdog comments
10d0394 cleanup Kyverno managed resources on stopLeading
a9ddcca enable leader election in main
72aa739 feat: added kyverno_admission_review_latency_milliseconds metric
833d097 feat: added kyverno_policy_changes_info metric
b8f8a47 feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_execution_latency_milliseconds metric
fea074f feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_info_total metric
43a138a feat: added kyverno_policy_rule_results_info metric
8eae8ec feat: added support for exposing the metrics via kyverno-svc service
f2462ae fixed generate flow (#1936)
4b22d43 move eventHandler to the leader election start method
5ead95c remove newContext in runLeaderElection
a1db386 skip processing for non-leaders
35fe0e4 skip processing for non-leaders
615d3fd webhook monitor - start webhook monitor in main process

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