artifacthub helm/kubeshark-helm-charts/kubeshark 52.1.0

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14 months ago

v52.1.0 (2024-01-17)

Release Highlights

Keywords: Performance, Security

This release focuses on security and performance improvements, introducing features that provide better control over resource limitations, resource consumption, and granular security capabilities.

Breaking Changes

  • In the configuration, when detailing Worker’s CPU and memory limits, for more granular control, the term worker was changed to sniffer, and the term tracer was added. (Commit d99bfea, Commit a5be1a8)

Enhancements and Changes

  • Scripting environment variables are now a Kubernetes secret to improve security. (Commit ea3eecf)
  • Moved all security capabilities to a central location: values.yaml, for better control over security permissions. (Commit c1fc444)
  • Added Global Filter capability in support of sensitive data redaction. (Commit 6c06307)
  • Refactored PF-RING support and added support for air-gapped environments. (Commit 6c01078)
  • Added Prometheus metrics scraping support for Kubeshark monitoring. (Commit db51e6d)
  • Introduced Traffic Sample Rate, providing support for resource consumption throttling and traffic processing. (Commit 8ba3e60)
  • Supported limiting Tracer CPU and memory consumption. (Commit a5be1a8)
  • Fixed Kafka and AMQP bug.
  • Extended pod targeting in support of ICMP and TCP.
  • Reduced the amount of bandwidth consumed by the Dashboard to improve performance.
  • Ignored redundant EOFs in HTTP parser.
  • Added debug utility to tracer. (Commit dab28f8)
  • Brought back support for crypto/tls. (Commit b493fec)
  • Moved the dashboard’s service map to be a tab instead of a dialog window.

Download Kubeshark for your platform

Mac (x86-64/Intel)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Mac (AArch64/Apple M1 silicon)

rm -f kubeshark && curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (x86-64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Linux (AArch64)

curl -Lo kubeshark && chmod 755 kubeshark

Windows (x86-64)

curl -LO


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